a bit under the gun this week juggling a few projects, so I’ll keep this week’s
blog post short. Please forgive my brevity, but I’m sure everyone has
times when there’s “too much stuff, not enough time.” I think part of my
goals for simplifying during 2016 was not to stress out when this inevitably
are many ways to de-stress—yoga, a quiet cup of herbal tea, reading an
inspiring book, talking to the dog. One technique I use a lot is just to
project a month into the future, and realize that the temporary stresses will
be in the past and not look so daunting in hindsight. Another technique
is to break big jobs into smaller tasks. I also recall the advice I learned
many years ago at a leadership workshop, where the instructor’s main takeaway
was, “Unless it’s fatal, it’s no big deal.”
you are stressed it’s important that you don’t fall into bad eating
habits. Instead of reaching for that tempting bit of chocolate, eat a
juicy orange instead. Or, do something that distracts your craving for
sweets, chips, etc., for more than 10 minutes, like taking a walk, vacuuming
the house, or sorting the laundry.
next time, be happy and be well,