Wednesday, December 27, 2017

LIFE's look at Health from 75 Years Ago

Happy Holidays to all! We hope everyone had a fun Christmas break, and all of us at Pathfinder Produce wish you a happy, healthy New Year 2018! To round out 2017, we'll be open this Thursday at our Edmeston fresh produce market at the Pathfinder Village Commons, from 1 to 5 p.m., with the best buys around!


Over the long weekend during a lull between visits with family, I had a chance to look at some vintage LIFE magazines that we have … it's sort of a tradition to look at them during the last week of the year at our house. The one issue I went through was from April 1942, just as the United States was facing some of its darkest days during World War II.  (Many of these issues are available online too!)

There were stories about General Brehon Burke Somervell, the Army's Supply Chief, and some photo-essays on the Allies’ defense of the Philippines. Other stories focused on Tulsa' progressive education programs (combining academics with practical training/internships), how to patch clothing for extended wear (tres chic!), and how “Primary Elections raise the curtain on a Battle to Control War Congress.” Those were all interesting of course, but the one thing I was really looking at was how nutrition and health issues were presented 75 years ago.

One full color ad, featuring a wholesome, fresh-faced nurse, expressed: AMERICA HAS A JOB TO DO … KEEP FIT! The ad then went on to say how Dr. West's Miracle Tuft toothbrushes could help you stay healthy: “One simple, yet vitally important precaution in any health protective program is proper care of the teeth.” The ad also offers these five rules for 100% (yes, 100%) physical efficiency:
·       Avoid over-fatigue
·       Have meals regularly
·       Dress sensibly
·       Never neglect an illness
·       Watch your dental health; practice oral hygiene daily.

All of these tips are sound advice, and would still be in a top-ten list from 2017. Another smaller, less flashier ad for Soft-Lite Lenses noted, “Your Life May Depend on this Man's Eyesight” and used the examples of Civil Defense Spotters to encourage everyone to have their eyes examined: “Are you sure your eyes are doing their part to help you keep up with today's all-out production pace?” (The ad keeps it on the square by ending with “Buy Defense Bonds for Victory.”)

Other items alluded to physical fitness, as Americans needed to be at their healthiest to serve in the military, work in war industries, and grow healthy foods to beat fascism. In a photo spread featuring pin-up Jane Russell, it noted that Miss Russell, “is an excellent swimmer at 122 lbs. and is 5'7.” It also shows her regular gym workout ...doing handstands on the parallel bars, vaults over the gym horse, and leg pulls using wall weights. (“She doesn't worry much about what she eats, keeps thin easily,” according to the caption).

It seems in April 1942 that easy-to-prepare packaged foods were just starting to get a toe-hold in grocery markets. Rice Krispies (sold by some really weird versions of Snap, Crackle and Pop) are sold for their “tempting goodness and flavor.” Campbell's Chicken Soup is bound to make you “think of days in Grandma's kitchen, down on the farm!” In a somewhat bewildering ad, Birds Eye touts its frozen chicken with, “This wondrous chicken practically fries itself!” The first-name in frozen veggies also has a national weekly special … the frozen chicken with a pack of Birds Eye peas … cleaned shelled and ready to cook.

Finally, in one ad hawking Ovaltine, it talks about waking up with “Clear-Eyed Morning Sparkle,” and how “today, science is reporting startling discoveries about food. About new-found, almost magic food elements, with power to revitalize millions of the tired and nervous and build them up for vigorous days … our own government is seeking ways to supply more of these elements (as) studies show that 2 out of every 3 Americans aren't sure of getting enough of these vital food factors to be their best.”  The ad goes on to say that the product provides “11 important food elements, including vitamins and minerals frequently deficient in ordinary foods, (including) significant amounts of Vitamins A1, B1, D and G(?), protecting minerals, and complete proteins.”

So, in looking back to 1942, it's apparent that Americans valued healthy, wholesome foods, were relying on the scientific method to research nutrition, and believed that keeping healthy was important to the war effort. We've come a long way since then, continuing along on the path of health discoveries and medical progress … it is probably time again for us to recommit to keeping America healthy as a national priority.

Until next time, we wish you peace and joy.  Enjoy life and be well!


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Go Bananas Over Bananas!

Season’s greetings to everyone!  We hope that your holiday season is full of fun and visits with family and friends. We look forward to serving all our tremendous customers as they stop by to purchase their produce needs for their gatherings.  Our Edmeston fresh fruit and veggie market is open at the Pathfinder Village Commons each Thursday, from 1 to 5 p.m.  (We will be open on December 21 and 28, and on January 4, as typically scheduled).

Last week, blogger Maura Iorio examined how oranges became a treasured gift in Christmas stockings.  Our tropical fruit theme continues this week as the newest member of the Pathfinder Produce team, Sally Trosset, explores the benefits of one of the world’s staple foods, the versatile and delicious banana.


This week is the solstice -- the winter months are here!  For me this means school sports…basketball and a little more basketball for my daughters.  The days are long, with kids going to school when the sun is barely up, to afterschool for practices or games, to finally arriving back home when it’s dark again. 

In our house, it’s a mad rush leaving in the morning.  My last words before we head out are usually, “Take a banana for later, it’s a superfood!”  This is usually met with an over-exaggerated sigh and an eye roll.  I think they would rather hear me say, “Take these fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, you have a long day ahead of you!”

Some may argue that bananas are high in the glycemic index (the measure of the effects carbs have on blood sugar levels), ranking at about 50, but really, bananas fall right in the middle of the glycemic scale of popular foods we eat.  (Less ripe bananas fall into a lower glycemic index, ranking between 30 and 40).

According to a recent article on the website, “Top Ten Health Benefits of Bananas,” there are many benefits to eating bananas, especially if you are an athlete.  According to the article, these include:

  • Calories:  By eating a banana you can indulge your sweet tooth without ruining your diet. A banana averages about only 110 calories.
  • Fat and Cholesterol:  Bananas are naturally fat and cholesterol free. Use mashed bananas to substitute for some or all of the butter or oil when making cookies, for example, for a healthier treat.
  • Potassium:  Bananas are known for their high potassium content, with over 400 mg potassium in a single medium-size banana. According to Colorado State University Extension, potassium is necessary for good nerve and muscle function as well as for maintaining a healthy balance of fluids in the body. The potassium in bananas can help prevent muscle cramps after exercise.
  • Vitamin C:  As with many fruits, bananas contain a good amount of vitamin C. One banana provides about 10 mg of vitamin C, or about 15 percent of your daily recommended amount. Vitamin C boosts your immune system and cell health and improves the absorption of other nutrients such as iron
  • Vitamin B-6:  Since B vitamins are more commonly found in animal products, it may come as a surprise that bananas are an excellent source of vitamin B-6, also called pyridoxine. One banana supplies 35 percent of your daily B-6 requirement. Your body uses vitamin B-6 to grow new cells.
  • Manganese:  Bananas are a good source of manganese, with one medium banana providing about .3 mg. Adults need between 1.8 and 2.3 mg of manganese daily. Manganese is necessary for bone health and metabolism.
  • Fiber:  According to the USDA, one banana has about 3 g of fiber. Dietary fiber can help you feel fuller longer and also keep your digestive processes running smoothly.
  • Other Nutrients:  Bananas also deliver small amounts of other vitamins and minerals. A banana provides some iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus as well as vitamins A and E, folate, carotene and choline. Bananas also contain trace amounts of many amino acids.
  • Carbohydrates:  Your body uses carbohydrates as a primary source of energy. Eat a banana after a workout to refuel. A banana with breakfast will start your day off right and will give you the energy to make it through to lunch without snacking.
  • Digestibility:  Bananas are easy to digest. When you're sick with a virus or indigestion, bananas can be an appealing way to get some important nutrients into your system without upsetting your stomach. Mashed bananas are also often used as an introduction to solid foods for babies.

So, if you are concerned about the glycemic index rating of the banana, I think it is important to note that the pros of eating a banana far outweigh the cons!  And, the best part about bringing a banana with you when you’re on the go?  They’re portable!  They come prewrapped (no plastic bag!), saving you time when trying to head out the door!

Until next time, eat and be well, and enjoy the holidays!

Sally (and Lori)

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Orange you Glad it’s Christmas Time?

Hello!  We hope everyone is enjoying the Holiday Season with all its gatherings, concerts, school pageants and other traditional celebrations.  At Pathfinder Village, we had a tremendous Holiday Show and Tree Lighting event last Thursday evening – each year, it just gets better and better!

We extend an invite to our local friends and neighbors to visit Pathfinder Produce … our weekly “pop-up green grocery” that features fresh and yummy fruits and veggies.  Our Edmeston market is open at the Village Commons each Thursday from 1 to 5 p.m.  We look forward to seeing all our friends and neighbors soon!

In this week’s blog, our Senior Director of Education Maura Iorio shares some thoughts on traditions of the Yule season.


Christmas, and the holiday season in general, is a time for family, friends, celebration, and traditions. One tradition that always fascinated me, probably in part because my family did not partake in it, was finding an orange in the bottom of your Christmas stocking.

Don’t get me wrong, oranges are delicious and they’re a great source of vitamins to get you through cold and flu season—but a Christmas tradition? My Christmas stocking was always filled with candies and small trinkets and the obligatory new toothbrush Santa Claus would sneak in there to compensate for all the sweets … but never an orange!

It turns out that the tradition is not as strange as it seems, but actually is rather sweet. Although some argue that it represents the three balls of gold that St. Nicholas left for a distraught father in need of dowries for his daughters, another explanation tugs a bit more at the heartstrings. During the Great Depression, and maybe even earlier, oranges were looked upon as luxuries. People did not have very much money, and oranges were not very common or readily available. Finding an exotic fruit from a faraway state like Florida was a big deal—something precious and delicious to wake up to on Christmas morning! You can check out more interesting facts about the traditions surrounding Christmas stockings here.

Oranges may be more easy to come by these days, and are fairly inexpensive (especially when you consider most children’s Christmas lists consist of tablets, game consoles, and other electronics), but they are a reminder to appreciate the small things. Christmas isn’t about getting the most gifts, or the latest gadgets—it’s about spending time with loved ones and making memories together. Maybe that’s a lot of pressure to put on a piece of fruit, but I think this year I’ll be making sure Santa leaves a spot in between the chocolates and toothbrush for an orange.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Maura [and Lori]

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Healthy Holiday Habits

Season’s Greetings, Everyone!

We hope you’ll stop by this week’s scrumptious Pathfinder Produce fresh market to stock up on veggies and fruits for your upcoming gatherings and meals.  We always have a great selection of fresh items, and our prices are kept low to help you stretch your food budget.  Plus, our friendly and courteous staff always makes it a great shopping experience:  Members of our Adult Day Services take such pride in their work as they assist customers as they shop or as they pack their shopping bags. 

Also on Thursday, all our Produce Patrons are invited to the Pathfinder Gym at 7 p.m. to share in one of the Village’s longest and most-heartwarming traditions, our Residents’ Holiday Show and Community Tree Lighting.  The mighty Pathfinder Players have four comedic skits planned, and there will be lots of sing-alongs too!  It’s always a great deal of community-wide fun and really sets the tone for season. 

Of course, with many parties and festive gatherings in the offering, it’s always wayyyyy toooo easy to over indulge.  In this week’s blog, my colleague Martha Spiegel offers some healthy holiday strategies.

For many, the end of the year is the hardest seasons for healthy eating. There are parties and dinners and trays of treats everywhere you turn.  Here are some guidelines to follow for a happier, healthier holiday season:

  1. Never go to a party hungry. Have a healthy snack beforehand so you won’t be as tempted by goodies.
  2. Choose a smaller plate over a large one, if possible. If you have to keep making return trips to the food table, you will be more conscious of what you are eating. It will also help you to take smaller portions.
  3. Go heavy on fruits and veggies, and light on the heavier items. It’s best to steer clear of the dips in general, but if you must dip, opt for something like hummus over creamy, sour cream based choices.
  4. If you are at a sit-down dinner, make sure the veggies take up more space on your plate than anything else.
  5. If you are going to splurge on something calorie-laden, make sure it’s something that’s a real treat, not something you can get any time. Those chocolate chip cookies may look great, but that little piece of Grandma’s fudge that you only get once a year is more special. (Just make sure it actually is a LITTLE piece.)
  6. Don’t forget to drink lots of water. Add a slice of lemon or lime if you like. A big glass of water will help curb your hunger with no calories!  (Plus staying hydrated is key to avoiding dry, itchy skin).
  7. Make sure to get some exercise. When the weather is colder, it can be harder to get in your steps for the day, but you can walk around your house, climb up and down the stairs if you have them, do some yoga, or just march in place while watching TV. Every little bit helps!
  8. If you overindulge, don’t beat yourself up, just firm up your resolve. As Scarlett O’Hara said, “Tomorrow is another day.”

So have fun, enjoy the season, be safe, and be healthy.

Martha (and Lori)