Another calendar item is the startup of our annual Summer Concert Series at the Pavilion … these free concerts are a highlight of the season. (The Summer Concert Series is a Decentralization Program. These programs are made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, which is administered by the Chenango County Council of the Arts, with support from Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. The series is also made possible with funds from private donors, Stewart’s Shops Holiday Match Program, and WGY’s Christmas Wish).
In this week’s blog, my colleague Sally Trosset shares information about a sweet treat that denotes the best of summer, watermelon.
While school has been out for a few weeks now, for me, the Fourth of July is the unofficial start to summer. More importantly, it means that watermelon is plentiful. A crowd favorite, watermelon is the perfect addition to summer backyard barbeques and Independence Day celebrations.
I have to admit, I’ve always thought of watermelon as a “fun fruit” – it looks pretty on the table, it can be hollowed out and used as its own bowl, or it can be sliced like pizza (a kid favorite!). Upon taste, it seems a bit sugary and a bit watery, and I’ve always thought of it as an empty-calorie fruit. I’ve never really considered watermelon’s nutritional value.
Fast forward through some research -- to my pleasant surprise, watermelon is not only healthy, but I would argue that it deserves superfood status. I came across this interesting article, 9 Amazing Benefits of Watermelon. There are many benefits to enjoying a big chilled wedge of watermelon on a hot sunny day. From treating kidney disorders to preventing heat stroke; from controlling diabetes to keeping one’s heart and eyes healthy, watermelon fits the bill!
Watermelon is loaded with phytonutrients, which are natural compounds found in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. These plant compounds have beneficial effects working with other essential nutrients to promote good health. Phytonutrients help keep our internal organs, eyes and endocrine system in good working order. Watermelon is also loaded with vitamins, minerals, beneficial fats, and proteins.
While eating the bright red stuff in the middle (my research didn’t provide me with what that is actually called…the meat? the flesh? the watermelon?), don’t forget about the green rind and the little black seeds. Both are edible and quite good for you: the rind is full of fiber…think roughage! And crunch on the seeds, which have helpful amounts of proteins, minerals, and omega-6 fatty acids.
A word of caution, but not to dampen your enjoyment of this refreshing treat, be careful buying pre-cut watermelon at the market. Studies reveal an increased risk of Salmonella, a food-borne illness caused by the consumption of contaminated foods (often caused by contaminated surfaces such as cutting boards or improper food handling practices).
Now that you’re hungry and craving a piece of watermelon, check out Delish.com, my go-to website for all things food, and check out some amazing watermelon salad recipes. Chances are, your watermelon recipe will be a big (and healthy) hit at your next BBQ!
Wishing you clear skies, lots of stars and awesome fireworks on the 4th
Sally (and Lori)