Pathfinder Village is busy as ever, with our Camp Pathfinder campers joining us, our wonderful summer concerts in full swing (Saturdays at 7), and just a full slate for everyone! That’s the great thing about our community … there’s always so many people to see each day and so many activities happening.
This week, we enjoyed our first summer squashes from our garden, which I cooked on the grill as part of a flavorful barbequed dinner. It was great … I simply sliced our squash thin and coated it with some olive oil and vinegar salad dressing I had in the fridge. Cooked on a steel baking sheet (not my best baking sheet, and it was also coated with olive oil), it was easy to prepare the squash and very flavorful. I highly recommend grilling many veggies this season.
Soon, our neighbor Bob, who grows a tremendous garden each year with some of the best corn I’ve ever had, will be putting out zucchini for sale. I can’t wait! They are best when they are small and slender, but zucchini still tastes great when it gets somewhat bigger. (No fear -- there are some great stuffed recipes out there too, should your zukes get a little out of hand!)
Technically, zucchinis are considered to be fruits, but in the culinary world, they’re treated as veggies. Of course, the thing about a little zucchini is that there’s never “a little zucchini”; we’ve featured posts in past years about how to shred it and bake with it, how to freeze it, how to use it in soups, sauces, and stews. It is a versatile food, for sure.
One new way to prep zucchini that I heard of recently is to cook thin strips in the shapes of long noodles. This recipe from All Recipes sounds easy and tasty, but it may be a bit time-consuming to finely slice the zucchinis. I’ll give it a try and see how it goes soon!
Enjoy your week ahead and savor all those great flavors!