Our staff, volunteers, and members
of our Adult Day Service programs all work hard to put on our two weekly
markets – they all love what they do to support our communities and engage with
local shoppers. We have received some nice comments about the expansion
of our markets as of late: One person said, “Please send me prices.
Everyone does a great job,” and another offered, “Thank you for this important
service.” Others have asked to be added to our weekly price list email …
just contact lgrace@pathfindervillage.org if you’d like to get weekly market updates J. (And of course, we always cross post on our blog page and
on Pathfinder Village’s Facebook page).
In 2017, I’m committing myself to getting
things done on a regular basis and following through on things I keep
putting off. To that end:

- I’m going to be diligent in organizing my
household bills and statements, to better track and control expenses.
- I want to eat healthier, and expand the
varieties of foods I routinely eat.
- I’m starting a modest fitness program,
walking more and tracking how much I walk each day.
- I’m doing sit-ups to strengthen my abs and back, and trying to stretch more. I’m up to 25 sit-ups a day … I’ll never have abs of steel, but I already feel a difference in the two weeks I’ve been doing this.
I suspect that as we go through our lives, our
basic human reaction in most situations is to let things coast – as Scarlet O’Hara
said, “I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think
about that tomorrow.” And yet, through procrastination,
we actually deny ourselves the buzz one gets from crossing things off the
list. In answer to Miss Katie Scarlet, I might offer that if I actively
manage the things I can control … like fixing a chair, or balancing my
checkbook, I can gain perspective on those things that can’t be immediately
addressed. (Plus, if you take things in bite-sized pieces, it sometimes
makes larger tasks less daunting).
And talking about bite-sized pieces …. (How’s
that for a segue?), this week’s food item to try was quinoa,
which was a staple food of the Incas and is making a come-back as a “super
Until next time, push, stretch, take charge and
be well,