Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Shopping Skills

Good afternoon, everyone!  This week we’re experiencing the height of autumn! And of course, our Pathfinder Produce market has the very best seasonal produce for you to serve and enjoy with your family.  Stop by the Village Commons this Thursday afternoon from noon to 5 p.m. to stock up on fresh and tasty fruits and veggies for the week!

Below, my colleague Maura Iorio, our Senior Director of Education, discusses how visits to the produce market serve as real-life lessons! 


This school year, our Transition Coordinator, Stephanie Sitts, launched a new program at Pathfinder School called Personal Shoppers. Each week, students’ families have the option to send in a produce market shopping list with their child so that they can pick out fresh fruits and vegetables and bring them home!

The Pathfinder School staff support students by helping them create accessible versions of the shopping lists using Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) icons. Students build independence while shopping by following their lists and selecting the freshest produce for their families.
Our students get to practice making choices, navigating the community, using their communication devices to speak with Produce Market customers and employees and working within a budget to pay for their groceries. Activities like this prepare students for shopping in other settings.

We love hearing back from families how wonderful it is to be able to access our Produce Market to make healthy meals and snacks, and for their children to practice these important life skills!

Happy Shopping!

Maura (and Lori)