Below, my colleague Sally Trosset shares some updates about World Down Syndrome Day and some delicious ideas for salads to round out your winter and early spring meals!
March, the longest month of the year, is a transitional month. If we can get through March we’re in the home stretch to warmer and sunnier days, flowers blooming and green grass. Daylight savings is just around the corner on March 10th and the first day of spring follows on March 20th. The light evening hours that daylight savings brings is always a welcome change.
Campus activities at Pathfinder Village pick up in March as well. Near and dear to our hearts is World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st. WDSD has been observed since 2006 and it received official recognition by the United Nations in 2012. “3-21” was selected as the celebration date as it represents the triplication of the 21st chromosome, the genetic cause of 95% of occurrences of Down syndrome.
WDSD is also Pathfinder’s unofficial welcome of spring. Falling on a Thursday this year, our Pathfinder Produce Market will be in full sixth-anniversary celebration mode! Balloons at the entranceway will give way to door prizes, raffles, and our signature assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables. As a special treat, the market will offer special baked goods from the Pathfinder Bakery and Cafe. A WDSD discount will be given on your purchases at the checkout register as well!
In addition, Pathfinder invites you to wear crazy socks on WDSD to raise awareness of the abilities of children and adults with Down syndrome. We invite you to join in the fun by posting a picture of you wearing your crazy socks on our Facebook and Instagram pages. On Facebook, “like” our page then send a picture to us through Messenger. On Instagram, “follow” our page, pathfindervillageinc., and post your picture with the tag, #pvcrazysocks. Please post respectful pictures; it’s about spreading joy, creativity, and awareness!
Our residents and students at Pathfinder and Pathfinder School will enjoy weeklong WDSD activities with School Spirit Week and other activities (March 18-22). Our Otsego Academy students will get a jump start to WDSD with their 9th Annual Colgate University Leadership Week (March 11-15). This is a popular, week-long immersion filled with team building and leadership activities and workshops for our Otsego Academy and visiting Colgate University students.
Winter salads might get a bad rap when you compare them to their spring and summer counterparts, but they can be just as delicious and addictive. When topped with the right items and delicious dressings, winter salads can be a nice and nutritious transition meal to spring and summer foods. While spring is only a few weeks away, it can be weeks before the full effects of the season are felt in our area. Some of my favorite winter salad ingredients include spinach, arugula, beets, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts. Served with spaghetti squash, quinoa or a hearty whole grain bread, these bright colorful salads are guaranteed to make you feel better at this time of year as we tire of comfort foods with subdued colors.
Don’t be fooled by these salads either. Following are some colorful salad ideas that will please the eye and palette; these recipes are hearty, filling main meal salads that you can look forward to after a long day at work or school.
- Winter Salads
- Everyday Seasonal Salads
- Bright Colorful Winter Salad
- Winter Salad Collections
- 6 Hearty Salads - Food & Wine
A big fan of arugula, my personal favorite is the Mushroom-Fennel Salad found in the Winter Salad Collections link. Mushrooms, goat cheese, walnuts, and arugula offer blends of textures, colors, and flavors. With a side of bread or sliced baked chicken added to the salad, it is definitely a satisfying meal.
Make sure to mark your calendars for 3-21 and come celebrate with us at the Pathfinder Produce Market. Pick up your salad ingredients, grab a special “3-21” treat, and show off your crazy socks! We look forward to seeing you all on this special day!
Sally (and Lori)