Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Happy Holidays from Pathfinder Produce!

NEW YEAR 2020!

From all your friends at

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Lori’s Top Health & Food Stories of 2019

Hello everyone, and welcome to the last week of 2019 for Pathfinder Produce. We invite you to visit our friendly and well-stocked market for your holiday meal produce needs at the Pathfinder Village Common this Thursday, December 19 from noon to 5 p.m.
Our entire market staff, members of Pathfinder Adult Day Services, wish you and yours a very happy holiday season and New Year.  We’ll be reopening our fresh market on Thursday, January 9 for your shopping convenience.


The close of the year is always an appropriate time to reflect on the news in health and nutrition, especially as our society addresses the pervasive consequences of bad health and poor eating/fitness habits.  Here are a few stories that have caught my attention:

·       Impulsivity Eating:  How many times have you had overwhelming cravings and eaten something when you weren’t hungry, just because you saw or smelled food or were triggered in some other way? A team of researchers led by Emily Noble, an assistant professor at the University of Georgia’s College of Family and Consumer Sciences, has identified a specific circuit in the brain that alters food impulsivity. Studying this neural pathway may lead to therapies to address overeating (and perhaps other addictive or impulsive behaviors).

·       Addictions & Loneliness:  I confess to being hooked on podcasts --although I don’t get to listen to all the TED Talks I’d like to, I do like to listen to NPR’s TED Radio Hour.  In one recent segment, Neuroscientist Rachel Wurzman Ph.D., the director of the nonprofit  SeekHealing, spoke on the ways her organization creatively connects to build communities resilient to addiction. Her complete TED Talk is here.  There is a growing body of research that is building the case for social connections to curtail the bad health effects of isolation, and how creating communities is a net positive.

·       The Ugly Comeback of Measles:  As a youngster, I would sometimes wonder about the inch- round scar on my Grandma’s arm. Later, as an adult, I recognized it as an inoculation scar, probably for smallpox (I have a scar too, but it’s smaller). Today, I think about how increased medical knowledge and vaccinations have really reduced the high rates of deaths and lifelong injuries from what were once common childhood diseases – whooping cough, rubella, polio, and so on.

Although we had boldly declared it eradicated here in 2000, this was the year that measles made a comeback in the U.S. The disease is
particularly dangerous to newborns, older people, and others with suppressed immunity. Sadly, around the globe, the virus is causing deaths, and other severe consequences (pneumonia, encephalitis, deafness, cognitive disabilities).  According to one website, anyone who received the vaccine between 1962 and 1969 should consider being re-immunized with the current vaccine. I’ll be making a call to my doctor to follow up!

Other stories that have had a staying presence in the news include the opioid crisis and deaths and serious injuries from unregulated vitamin E acetate-laced vaping fluids.

In closing, the story that I am saddest to list is reminiscent of the tale of Ebenezer Scrooge in the opening scenes of Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol”: The Administration’s plans to cut back on SNAP eligibility for the unemployed. A means-tested program, SNAP provides important nutritional support for low-wage working families, low-income seniors and people with disabilities living on fixed incomes. 

More information on the cuts are here: while the cuts are targeted to “able-bodied adults without dependents,” it should be said that in today’s non-traditional family environment, some of these individuals contribute their benefits to their non-dependent children who live with other family members. Unfortunately, there won’t be any holiday miracle for affected SNAP recipients; the changes are set to go into effect on April 1, 2020.

Until next time, eat well and be well.  Best wishes for the holidays!


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Welcome back, Brussels Sprouts!

Good afternoon! We hope that you are well and getting into the holiday swing. To help where we may, Pathfinder Produce will be open at the Pathfinder Village Commons on Thursday, December 12 and 19, from noon to 5 p.m. to assist you with all your fresh produce needs. We’re adding a few holiday-themed items – rutabagas and acorn squash – to add to your family meals and gatherings!

Speaking of holiday dishes, for many brussels sprouts are a reminder of family traditions, especially if your ancestors hail from the UK. Below, my colleague Sally Trosset recalls her own “seasons of sprouts past.”


After getting a bad rap for many years, brussels sprouts have reclaimed their role as one of the most popular vegetables.
My earliest childhood memory of brussels sprouts is me at about 6 years old, sitting at the kitchen table, well past the dinner hour. My brothers and sisters and my father are long gone; off doing homework or watching tv. I am in the kitchen, still sitting at the table and my mother is not far away, frustrated with my stubbornness, and busying herself as I stare at my dinner plate -- everything eaten except for the, now cold, dreaded, brussels sprouts.
I’m not sure how that night ended; I probably ate a few and hid the rest in the flower box we had at the end of our kitchen table. I probably managed to stuff a couple in my pockets as well. I didn’t even bother trying to feed them to the dog; I knew he wasn’t going to eat them.

Fast forward, it’s decades later: I’m out to dinner with my daughters and they order roasted brussels sprouts as an appetizer. They arrive at the table, roasted to perfection, in a balsamic glaze with small bacon pieces on top. They were delicious! Served this way was not the healthiest option, but they sure were tasty! I decided to do some research when I got home. There had to be so many healthy ways to eat brussels sprouts.

Allrecipes.com has some delicious and healthy recipes I’m looking forward to trying. Some include a basic side dish of just roasting the sprouts on a preheated baking sheet in a very hot (450 degree) oven, with just salt, pepper and olive oil. Some recipes are full meals, roasting the sprouts with chicken or sausage and other vegetables, or baking them au gratin style.

I also looked at Delish.com, which had very interesting appetizers, side dishes and entrees featuring sprouts. They also include a beautiful photo gallery, so you’ll definitely be cooking brussels sprouts after looking at this website!
As luck would have it, brussels sprouts are available anytime during the year, but they are most plentiful in late fall, just in time for the holidays. It is suggested that if you want the ultimate brussels sprouts experience, to purchase them right after a frost, still on the stalk. It is said that when the plant experiences the frost, the sprouts increase their sweetness and that helps the plant keep from freezing (think antifreeze).

Personally, ordinary loose brussels sprouts from Pathfinder Produce or the grocery store fit the bill for me, both with taste and nutrition. According to healthline.com, sprouts are low in calories, but high in many nutrients, especially fiber, vitamin K and vitamin C. A half cup of cooked sprouts offers: 

  • Calories: 28
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Carbs: 6 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Vitamin K: 137% of the RDI
  • Vitamin C: 81% of the RDI
  • Vitamin A: 12% of the RDI
  • Folate: 12% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 9% of the RDI

Being high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, brussels sprouts are definitely a nutritious addition to your diet. Adding sprouts to a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains has the potential to make a major positive impact on your health.

Simple to prepare and enjoyable in a variety of side dishes or main courses, I’m happy to have brussels sprouts back in my life. My mother would be so proud, and she’s probably reading this saying, “I told you so!”

Until next time, enjoy your brussels sprouts!

Sally (and Lori)

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

This Week's Produce Pricing

Hello! We trust you are enjoying our first real taste of winter this week: Pathfinder Village’s grounds are snow covered, making it look magical for the holidays!  We send out our thanks to all our dedicated community emergency services folks and the road maintenance crews who keep us all safer during winter storms.

I’d also like to “tip my hat” to our hard-working Pathfinder Produce crew, who work hard each week to bring you the freshest, most delicious fruits and veggies at affordable prices.  Having a reliable source of fresh produce is so important to everyone’s health, and our Adult Day Services members and staff are dedicated to helping customers. Stop by this week on Thursday between noon and 5 p.m. to enjoy a unique and fun shopping experience.  Pathfinder Produce … we’re rooted in the community!

Upcoming events:

Don’t forget our regular ZUMBA sessions with Zoe Curtis each Wednesday evening at 7 p.m.at the Pathfinder Gym.  It’s a great way to meet up with friends, get moving and raise your spirits.  Classes are only $5 per session – give yourself a holiday gift through fitness!
Saturday, December 7 at 2 p.m.:  The Pathfinder Village Hand Bell Choir will perform at the National Baseball Hall of Fame’s DECK THE HALL event in Cooperstown. Event details are here. Guests should bring a new, unwrapped toy or five non-perishable food items for free admission.

December 8 at 3 p.m.:  The Sidney Community Band will perform a Holiday Concert at the Pathfinder Village Gym.  All are invited to this free heartwarming concert.
Until next time, enjoy life!



Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Our Thanksgiving Origins

Happy Thanksgiving! This week our Pathfinder Produce market is closed so our staff may enjoy the holiday with their friends and loved ones, but we’ll be open next Thursday, December 5, to assist you with all your fresh produce needs for this busy time of year. We look forward to seeing you between noon and 5 p.m. at the Village Commons. Pathfinder Produce … we’re rooted in the community!

Pathfinder Village is getting into the seasonal spirit and we have a few events planned: On Saturday, December 7 at 2 p.m., our Pathfinder Village Hand Bell Choir will perform at the National Baseball Hall of Fame as part of their traditional holiday Deck the Hall event. The event runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; details are here. Guests are encouraged to bring a new, unwrapped toy or five non-perishable food items for free admission and to help brighten the season for families in need.

On Sunday, December 8 at 3 p.m., our very dear friends from the Sidney Community Band will perform a concert of carols and musical favorites at the Pathfinder Village Gym; all are invited to enjoy this heartwarming concert. And to round out their holiday performances, the Bell Choir members will play at the First United Methodist Church in Oneonta on Saturday, December 14 at 2 p.m.


On Thursday and through the weekend, many of us will gather with friends and family to celebrate Thanksgiving. While many will enjoy turkey with all the trimmings, it’s always best for your health to focus on small portions, check your carb and fat intake, eschew alcoholic drinks, and to eat a selection of healthy fruits and veggies. 

It’s also recommended to have some physical activity after the meal, whether it’s helping with the clean-up chores or taking a brisk walk to get some fresh air. (Other new traditions could include playing basketball or touch football, refilling the woodshed, playing tag or going to the playground with the little ones, or sledding and making snowmen if there’s snow).

History buff that I am, I also enjoy feeding my brain by reading non-fiction on Thanksgiving -- after the dishes are done, the fire is blazing, the dog is snoring, and quiet settles over the house. Recent research indicates a formal thanksgiving first may have occurred in the Continental U.S. as early as 1565 in St. Augustine, then under Spanish rule.

Most of us are familiar with the story of the Plymouth Colony’s Thanksgiving in 1621. Feasting on field- and forest-sourced delectable dishes, the Pilgrims, 90 Wampanoag warriors, and lone Patuxet surviving tribe member Squanto (Tisquantum) celebrated their harvest bounty for three days after the settlement’s starving time decimated their population earlier that year.

Other Thanksgiving celebrations were held locally through the early years of European settlements. The next celebration of note followed the Colonists’ victory at the Battle of Saratoga during the Revolution; the Continental Congress and General Washington proclaimed Thursday, December 18, 1777, as a day of national thanksgiving. The Continental Congress continued its annual thanksgiving proclamations through 1784.

Five years later, when the United States was a new, independent nation, President Washington declared the first national Thanksgiving  on November 26, 1789. The President attended church services and donated beer and food to imprisoned debtors in New York City, then the nation’s capital city. While I haven’t been able to find a clear source on the web, I recall an article from the New York State Historical Association’s Heritage Magazine from the early 1980s, which cited Washington’s choice of Thursday to celebrate on was to avoid overlapping with the regularly observed sabbaths for Muslims, Jews, and Christians.

From Washington’s administration onward, days of thanksgiving were declared intermittently by various presidents or state governors. The modern tradition of Thanksgiving began during the dark days of the Civil War  when Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November 1863 as a special day of gratitude for both military gains and seasonal harvests. Later, another great war-time president, FDR, changed the day to the fourth Thursday of the month. 

Until next time, be thankful and be well,


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Over the River & Through the Woods

Good morning!  We invite everyone to our next delicious Pathfinder Produce fresh market at the Village Commons this Thursday, November 21, from noon to 5 p.m.  Our friendly market staff is eager to assist you with your Thanksgiving dinner menu ingredients and our very own Chef Eric will be sharing another delectable holiday-inspired recipe that you can make for your family.
Please note that the market will be closed on Thursday, November 28, so that our market staff may enjoy a day of giving thanks with their friends and loved ones. The market will reopen on Thursday, December 5.
As always, we are grateful for the loyal support and patronage of our market since we opened in March 2013.  Pathfinder Produce … we’re rooted in the community, and thankful for the enriching opportunities our community provides!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Healthy Change-Ups

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Thanksgiving season.  We hope you’ll visit Pathfinder Produce over the next two weeks to stock up in time for Thanksgiving.  Our market is open this week on Thursday, November 14, and the following week, Thursday, November 21, from noon to 5 p.m.  The market will be closed on Thanksgiving Day so our staff may enjoy the day with their families and friends.

Pathfinder Produce’s Chef Eric has been busy selecting some holiday sample recipes to try out and share with our market patrons.  Word has it that he’ll be featuring Sautéed Apples and a fresh berry Cranberry Sauce over the next two weeks … we can’t wait to see what he cooks up next!

Looking ahead, we want to let everyone know about a holiday concert by one of our all-time favorites is coming up: The Sidney Community Band will perform at the Pathfinder Gym on Sunday, December 8, at 3:30 p.m.  Everyone is invited to enjoy this free concert that will feature a selection of seasonal favorites!  (Because we can’t resist … you can hear the band play “Let It Snow” by clicking this link). 

Below, my colleague Martha Spiegel offers some healthier options for you to consider for your Thanksgiving meal.


Thanksgiving is fast approaching, so I went searching for alternatives to some traditional sides that were healthy, looked nice on the serving plate, and would be pleasing to the palate. Here is a sampling of what I found.

  • Wild Rice Stuffed Butternut Squash: This dish is vegan, so it is naturally lower in fat than dishes that come drenched in butter or full of heavy cream. The presentation is so beautiful! And while it does take a while to bake the squash in the oven, the hands-on prep time is only about 15 minutes.
  • Green Bean Casserole: In some families, it just isn’t Thanksgiving without a green bean casserole. This healthier alternative has no need for a can opener as there is no cream soup or fried onions. The beans are steamed, and the sauce gets its flavor from fresh mushroom, garlic and thyme, and parmesan cheese. It’s topped with crispy sautéed shallots. To me, this sounds so much better than the original!
  • Sweet Potato Pecan Casserole: This one has all the sweetness of typical candied sweet potatoes with marshmallows, but with much fewer calories. It’s fairly simple to make, and with cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar and pecans, I’m sure the aroma as it cooks is hunger-inducing.
  • Vegetarian Gravy: Hear me out on this one, folks! Even if you would never consider anything but gravy made from the pan drippings on Thanksgiving, keep this in mind for other times when you want gravy with something besides roasted meat. Or maybe your crowd is smaller and you only make a turkey breast which doesn’t put forth much in the way of gravy-making drippings. This variety is made with lots of fresh ingredients and looks chock full of flavor.
Here’s hoping you have a happy, healthy and delicious Thanksgiving!

Martha (and Lori)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019



Until next time, eat well, be well, and count your blessings! 


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

It's the Great Pumpkin, Pathfinder Produce!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!  We love the harvest season at Pathfinder Produce and Halloween is such a fun time to celebrate all things autumnal like apples, cider, and all sorts of fresh and tasty produce.  We hope you to see
all our friends and neighbors at this Thursday’s fresh market at the Village Commons, from noon to 5 p.m.
Below, my colleague Sally Trosset considers that great seasonal staple, the pumpkin.
It’s the Great Pumpkin, Pathfinder Produce!”
The fall harvest is upon us.  The crisp chilly weather is here to stay, and we are surrounded by beautiful foliage. We are grateful to everyone who stopped by the Pathfinder Produce last Thursday for the Fall Harvest Market.  Ten percent of our proceeds will be donated to TEAM NYCM – Making Strides Against Breast Cancer as part of our awareness month activities. We also hope that those who came to the annual Pathfinder Community Trick-or-Treat and Haunted House last Saturday had a fun afternoon!  (You can see pictures of many ghouls and goblins enjoying the Village at our Facebook album).
Now what to do with those pumpkins!  Fun fact: While most pumpkin recipes usually involve baking or cooking, you can eat raw pumpkin.  A member of the winter squash family (genus Cucurbita), raw pumpkin has a hearty rich flavor that makes a good stand-alone snack or a side dish.  It is also versatile enough so you can add other ingredients to change up the flavor while not sabotaging its nutritional value. 
Pumpkin is loaded with Vitamin A, an essential nutrient that protects cells from damage as we age.  It is also essential for eye health, particularly, night vision.  Vitamin A keeps your skin healthy and free from dryness and it is a natural boost to our immune system, making it key in year-round cold and flu protection.  It is wise, though, to not overindulge in raw pumpkin.  Too much Vitamin A can lead to Hypervitaminosis A, a liver condition that can occur especially if people take high-dose dietary supplements.
According to USDA Food Data Central, a one-cup serving of raw pumpkin yields about 30 calories and about 0.12 grams of fat as well as 1.16 grams of protein and 7.54 grams of carbohydrates; all healthy amounts.
So, as a stand-alone snack, try cutting your pumpkin into cubes, sprinkle some cinnamon to give it a dessert-like flavor or add flax seeds to add crunch.  Check out Rawmazing, All Recipes, and My Recipes for some of raw pumpkin dishes to add to your fall harvest dining. 
Again, thanks to all for supporting our Community Trick-or-Treating and Haunted House and our Pathfinder Fall Harvest Market last week.  Have a safe and Happy Halloween!
Until next time, eat well and be well!
Sally (and Lori)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Look at Risk Factors during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Hello and happy fall, y’all!  We’re looking forward to another delicious Pathfinder Produce market this Thursday, and we’ll be celebrating our FALL HARVEST in grand style from noon to 5 p.m.  We’ll have some special baked goods on sale, healthy smoothies with Chef Eric, gift certificate drawings, and ten percent of our proceeds sales this week will go to TEAM NYCM -Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Also this week, on Saturday, October 26 from 3 to 5 p.m., we’ll be hosting our Residential Homes’ annual Community Trick-or-Treat event at the Village.  Members of our Enrichment and Adult Day Services departments are planning for a scary Haunted Hallway at the Commons, and all of the homes at the Pathfinder main campus will be ready to host your little ghouls and goblins in our safe, friendly environment.  It’ll be a howling good time!


We are what we eat, and sometimes if we habitually eat the wrong foods, it can lead to illnesses and chronic conditions.  A diet that is rich in fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, and less processed foods, red meats, and sweets is highly recommended by healthcare professionals to support one’s optimum health.

I’ve recently seen stories on Facebook and other social platforms about how eating better can help with depression. That got me to wondering if diet can help one avoid breast and other types of cancers.

According to The American Cancer Society, staying physically active and eating a healthy diet can help one maintain a healthy weight, which decreases the overall risk for all types of diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancers, including breast cancer.  In that brief article, they also say that eating traditional soy foods like tofu may be beneficial because they contain isoflavone compounds, which may inhibit the effects of naturally occurring estrogens in the body. 

The ACS also cautions against:
  • Drinking Alcohol to Excess:  2 to 3 drinks a day can raise a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer by 20% over non-drinkers.
  • Being Sedentary:  Increasing your physical activity can help reduce the risk of breast cancer; ACS recommends 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week. “Exactly how physical activity might reduce breast cancer risk isn’t clear, but it may be due to its effects on body weight, inflammation, hormones, and energy balance,” they add.
  • Taking certain types of Birth Control and HRT Therapy:  Talk to your healthcare providers to learn more about risks that may be associated with certain contraceptives or hormone replacement therapies used to ease menopausal symptoms.

So, while I didn’t see any foods that either increase or reduce breast cancer risks in my brief research, it seems clear that risk reduction is tied to managing one’s overall health to limit exposure to high levels of estrogen, especially as women grow older. Other factors, like genetics or environment, may also be part of determining one’s risk.  You can learn more about other risk factors and other facts from the National Cancer Institute’s website.  A risk assessment tool is available at their site too.

Until next time, eat well and take care of your health!


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Breast Cancer Awareness

Hello, and we hope you’re enjoying October, National Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Each week, we celebrate the abilities of people with Down syndrome at Pathfinder Produce by empowering people on-the-job and providing them with opportunities to develop and fine-tune work skills in community-based work opportunities. Come visit us this Thursday, from noon to 5 p.m. to say hello to our friendly and courteous staff and check out all the great produce on sale!

BIG NEWS: At our market on Thursday, October 24, we’ll be partnering with local volunteers to help raise awareness for National Breast Cancer Awareness month too! Ten percent of our market proceeds for our Fall Harvest event will be contributed to Team NYCM in support of breast cancer awareness and research. Our market team is coming up with some other great promotions as well: There will be two drawings for Pathfinder Produce gift certificates, special discounts on Awareness month baked goods, and Chef Eric will be serving up some Healthy PINK smoothie samples. 


I admit that I like to watch social media posts with little kids doing what little kids do best … playing, laughing, and making adults laugh through their silly behavior and outlandish quips. One recent video that had me chuckling was one showing kids’ unfiltered reactions to the word ‘boobies’, brassieres, store displays, and so forth.

But as it’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s an appropriate time to encourage everyone to take care of themselves and to be aware of the signs of breast cancer. I would dare venture that most people know someone who has had breast cancer; I’ve had several friends overcome it but it’s still a worrisome diagnosis that impacts all aspects of family life. It too often remains a fatal disease.

Men too have mammary tissues and can also develop breast cancer. So it’s important for everyone to know the signs and do regular self-exams. The following link offers guidance on the ages when women should begin annual mammograms. If you see or feel a lump developing, don’t put off going to get it checked out. The sooner you begin treatment, the better your chance of making a recovery.

These are some stats shared from the website, breastcancer.org:
·       About 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer.
·       In 2019, an estimated 268,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected in US women, along with 62,930 new cases of non-invasive breast cancer.
·       About 2,670 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected in US men 2019; a man’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is about 1 in 883.
·       Breast cancer incidence rates in the U.S. began decreasing in the year 2000: One theory is that the decrease was in part through the reduced use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) by women after a 2002 study linked HRT to cancer.
·       About 41,760 women in the U.S. are expected to die in 2019 from breast cancer, though death rates have been decreasing since 1989.
·       For US women, breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, besides lung cancer.
·       In women under 45, breast cancer is more common in African-American women than white women, and overall, African-American women are more likely to die of breast cancer.
·       A woman’s risk of breast cancer nearly doubles if she has a first-degree relative who has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
·       About 5-10% of breast cancers can be linked to inherited gene mutations. Mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are the most common. Women with a BRCA1 mutation have up to a 72% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer; for those with a BRCA2 mutation, the risk is 69%.
·       About 85% of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of breast cancer.
·       The most significant risk factors for breast cancer are gender and growing older.

So, if you are a woman, take the time to take care of yourself through self-exams and annual check-ups. If you’re a guy, support the important women in your life and encourage them to be pro-active in their care, and then follow-up on your important screenings as well. The best way to beat any cancer is to catch it early!

Until next time, be aware and be well!


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

This Week's Pathfinder Produce Prices

Oh my goodness, I’m late in sending out this week’s Pathfinder Produce price list. Autumn is a busy time for all of us, so isn’t it great to have a well-stocked greengrocer handy to help with your produce needs?  Stop by the Pathfinder Village Commons this Thursday afternoon from noon to 5 p.m. to stock up on fresh and tasty fruits and veggies for the week!

We’ll take a break from our blog post this week, but will be back soon with more fun food facts, community events and other ways to celebrate this wonderful time of year! 

Until next time, eat well, be healthy and enjoy the fresh tastes of fall!


Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Shopping Skills

Good afternoon, everyone!  This week we’re experiencing the height of autumn! And of course, our Pathfinder Produce market has the very best seasonal produce for you to serve and enjoy with your family.  Stop by the Village Commons this Thursday afternoon from noon to 5 p.m. to stock up on fresh and tasty fruits and veggies for the week!

Below, my colleague Maura Iorio, our Senior Director of Education, discusses how visits to the produce market serve as real-life lessons! 


This school year, our Transition Coordinator, Stephanie Sitts, launched a new program at Pathfinder School called Personal Shoppers. Each week, students’ families have the option to send in a produce market shopping list with their child so that they can pick out fresh fruits and vegetables and bring them home!

The Pathfinder School staff support students by helping them create accessible versions of the shopping lists using Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) icons. Students build independence while shopping by following their lists and selecting the freshest produce for their families.
Our students get to practice making choices, navigating the community, using their communication devices to speak with Produce Market customers and employees and working within a budget to pay for their groceries. Activities like this prepare students for shopping in other settings.

We love hearing back from families how wonderful it is to be able to access our Produce Market to make healthy meals and snacks, and for their children to practice these important life skills!

Happy Shopping!

Maura (and Lori)