At this busy time of year, everyone is time-strapped, so let us take the hassle out of your produce shopping. Use our convenient online ordering system, pay with your credit card, and plan to pick up your purchases at our Edmeston or Morris locations on Thursday afternoon. It doesn’t get any easier!
“Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful …,” starts off one of my favorite seasonal songs. But rather than stay inside, I really think it’s the best time of year to go outside and play!
I remember as a kid how my siblings and I would go out and play for long afternoons in the snow. Building snow forts, throwing snowballs, and ice skating were great fun – we used to skate on an old farm pond that had cattails spiking up through the ice. Talk about challenging! However, the most fun was had when we went sledding … we’d see how daring we could be, standing on our Flexible Flyers and plastic toboggans like skateboards. We got pretty good at sled surfing when the snow was right, but invariably our lunkheaded German Shepherd, who was never quite right in the head after a mishap with a truck, would chase us and knock us off the sleds.
Mom always made sure we were well bundled for these hours in the snow, with dry mittens, warm socks, and boots. Our toes and faces were a little chilled though, I recall, as we came inside for warm mugs of tea and sitting by the woodstove. It’s always important to make sure kids and older folks aren’t frostbitten when they go outside on cold days.
Recently, I’ve enjoyed some fun times hiking during this crisp weather, taking walks around “Graceland.” The snow, dusted on our hemlock trees, fairly sparkles in the sunlight; the air is so fresh that it stings the skin just enough so you really feel awake.
Plus, walking in colder temperatures helps one burn more calories, as your body expends energy to keep warm as you walk. And, if you’re lucky enough to go out on a sunny day, time in the sunlight helps your body in getting sufficient Vitamin D.
One challenge I find is gaining a firm footing on our hillside, which is slippery in the snow (and mud from all the rain we had this past fall). I’m grateful for a great pair of sturdy, yet light, insulated boots, plus a pair of lovely alpaca-wool socks I “borrowed” from my son. (You can’t beat good wool socks for keeping your toes nice and warm – they also make toasty warm gifts!). Before you go out, even if it’s only down the block, make sure your feet are well-insulated and shod to negotiate the ice and slush that you may encounter.
Until next time, get some fresh air and enjoy winter!