Last week’s fifth anniversary celebration of the market was
fabulous, and we thank all our tremendous customers who came out to shop.
We enjoyed all the extra special treats, prize drawings and sales prices
too. Our Adult Day Services folks really pulled out all the stops … they
were even featured in the local
We were also pleased with the
number of online orders we received through our new ordering
option for the Edmeston and Morris communities. Our ordering site will
now be open Friday at 10 a.m. through Wednesday at noon; you can access the
markets using this link: http://pathfindervillage.org/our-village/pathfinder-produce/.
Pick-up for both locations is on Thursday: Edmeston, at the Village
Commons from 1 to 5 p.m.; in Morris at the UMC, 17 Church Street, from 3 to 6
Looking ahead, we’ll be starting up our free Dash to the Splash
program on April 9, and the training program will run for six weeks, with
participants meeting for group training sessions at Pathfinder Village on
Mondays at 4:30 p.m. Contact Monica Clark at (607) 965-8377, ext.
107, if you’re interested in enrolling in this fun fitness program in
preparation for our fifth annual Splash Path 5K and Fun Walk, which is set for
May 19, 2018.
Below, my colleague Martha Spiegel shares some of the recent slow
cooker recipes she’s discovered that present some delicious possibilities for cooking
veggie-rich dishes.
love my crockpot. I love throwing some ingredients together in the morning and
coming home to dinner all ready and smelling delicious. We use our crockpot all
year long—in the colder months it’s wonderful to sit down to a bowl of chili or
stew. In the warmer months, it’s nice to have a way to cook that doesn’t heat
up the kitchen.
week I researched healthy vegetarian recipes for the crockpot, and found there
are a LOT to choose from. Even if you are not a vegetarian, it’s nice to have
recipes that don’t require meat sometimes, since it helps keep the grocery
budget in line. These recipes can help you add more vegetables to your diet in
creative ways.
is a Skinny
Lasagna recipe for the crockpot that calls for lots of chopped leafy
greens. The author of the recipe blog used kale, but spinach, chard, or maybe
arugula would work. See what’s available at Pathfinder Produce when you are
ready to try this. You could even use more than one kind of greens.
I’m going to eat vegetable soup, I want it to be thick and filling, and this recipe from the
blog Flour On My Face fills the bill. It’s loaded with
beans, tomatoes, corn, and spinach, not to mention a good amount of garlic. The
blog even gives you a great idea for making your own vegetable stock from peels
and scraps that you collect in a freezer container until you have enough for a
pot full. This is also a great way to cut down on food waste!
something really different, try this Slow Cooker
Vegetarian Curry. It calls for ghee, which is a form of clarified butter
from India, but if you don’t have that on hand, celebrity chef Alton Brown
gives a simple
way to make your own from regular butter. This curry sounds like it would have
a very full flavor and would be a nice change of pace.
forget dessert! According to the food blog Coastal Girl Food n Fitness,
this Hot
Apple Dump Dessert has the flavor of hot apple pie without all the fat from
the crust. It’s not fat- or calorie-free, however, so eat it in
moderation. Remember, if you share it with lots of your family or friends,
portion control becomes easier!
next time, eat well and be well,
(and Lori)