Tuesday, May 31, 2016


We hope everyone will come down to Pathfinder Produce this Thursday, June 2, from 1 to 5 p.m. to stock up for the inevitable picnics and cookouts that will be happening this coming weekend.  With the summer weather, it’s a great time to keep the heat out of the house, cook outside, and enjoy family meals that feature lots of lively salads, cool fresh fruit dishes, and grilled veggies.  I’m sure we have something that is just perfect for your next cookout at Pathfinder Produce!

This week, we welcome a new writer to the Pathfinder Produce Blog, Sr. Director of Education Maura Iorio of Pathfinder School.  Enjoy!


It’s a word I’ve heard uttered at the dinner table more times than I can count. As any parent of a picky eater can tell you, sometimes family meals become a battlefield: Kid vs. Veggies. I’ve seen broccoli skillfully hidden beneath a strategically placed napkin, and peas mashed artfully underneath a mountain of mashed potatoes. On at least one occasion, my little guy managed to use surgical precision to stuff his carrots into a dinner roll…Picky Eater Skill Level: Ninja.

My husband and I have tried every tactic in the book to get some vitamins and nutrients into our kids’ systems in a form other than Flintstone-shaped candies. You want dessert? Eat those two green beans first. You think they’re gross? Look! They’re Daddy’s favorite, mmm! Fine, if you eat at least one, I’ll give you a dollar!
So what happens when setting a good example and flat-out bribery don’t work?

Sneaky Veggies

Like anything involved in raising children, there are mixed opinions floating around on the use of “sneaky veggies.” Some parents will protest that children should learn to appreciate healthy food options in their true forms, and to a certain point I agree. Making sure healthy options are always available to your children is so important, as well as continually encouraging your child to try new things. However, there are some children who are just NOT going to buy into this, no matter how hard you try.

For these children, my youngest son included, I say sneaking some fruits and veggies into their snacks and meals won’t hurt them—but it will ensure that they have a (sort of) well-balanced diet! One great way to do this is with smoothies—if you add enough strawberries, the green of baby spinach leaves can easily be hidden. Pro Tip: Blend leafy greens with whatever liquid base you’re using FIRST, then add in the other ingredients.

This helps make sure the leafy greens are well-blended and that there are no chunks of green stuff left behind that will give it away! Another great option is to add grated veggies, such as carrots and zucchini, to breads and muffins. 

Sometimes, a child’s aversion to fruits and veggies has more to do with texture and presentation. Blending them into something that resembles bread or cake can be enticing enough to give it a try!

Until next time, eat well and savor the sneakiness!

Maura Iorio (and Lori)

Recipes (Just click the caption below each picture to see the recipe!)

