This month, in partnership with the American Heart Association, we've focused on American Heart Month in our “veggie blog.” Hearts are something that are near and dear at Pathfinder Village, as many of our friends and loved ones with Down syndrome may have heart conditions. (There’s still time to support our team at the upcoming America's Greatest Heart Run & Walk in Utica on March 5th!)
According to the National Down Syndrome Society, about half of all people born with Down syndrome have congenital heart defects (holes in the walls of the heart, valve issues, etc.). Many of these conditions require early surgeries, and tremendous advances have been made in recent decades that allow children to lead full and active lives.
Research into heart conditions and new medical treatments have directly contributed to increased longevity for people with Down syndrome: Back when Pathfinder Village opened in 1980, life expectancy was 25 years; today, with better cardiac care and improved access to medical care, longevity is now more than doubled for those with Down syndrome, according to researchers from the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities.
But while treating congenital conditions has helped greatly, people with Down syndrome also need to follow the same healthy heart advice as everyone else: We all need to restrict fats, excessive sugar and salt in our diets, watch our portions and maintain healthy weights, and stay physically active in regular heart-pumping exercises. Doing all these things not only improves heart health, but also offers benefits for pulmonary health, bone and muscle health, and mental health.
Here at Pathfinder Village, we’ve offered many fitness and sports activities to members of our remarkable community through the years. We now regularly offer ZUMBA, seasonal Special Olympics training activities, fitness swimming and personal training sessions; and we will be opening up our next session of OVER 21 classes later this spring to members of our area communities. We are presently offering a new program, DASH TO THE SPLASH, to provide training guidance, support, and incentives for those who would like to get into a beginner’s walking/running program. (Call Monica Clark here at the Village for details on how to join DASH TO THE SPLASH, which will lead into our third annual Splash Path 5K and Fun Walk on May 21).
And of course, diets are big factors in determining heart health …. Pathfinder Produce is here to help you eat more tasty nutrient packed vegetables and fruits, which is a great way to get away from highly processed and sugar-salt laden foods. By focusing on fresh produce, and cutting back on carbs and meats, you can really make some meaningful changes to your health!
Until next time, eat and be well!