Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Quick Column

We hope everyone will join us for another friendly Pathfinder Produce market, this Thursday, August 6, at the Village Commons from 1 to 5 p.m.  Our market offers a great selection of fresh fruits and veggies, flexible payment methods, and helpful, friendly service.  It’s a winning combination! 

Today, Tuesday, is our annual American Red Cross Blood Drive here at Pathfinder Village, so I’m off to assist the Red Cross staff in setting up and organizing the event.  A big thanks goes out to all donors who are participating in this summer’s blood drives in the area.  Your donation truly makes a difference to local families, who are contending with serious illnesses or injuries. 

In keeping with last week’s column on zucchini, here are some recipes that my colleague, Martha, found for you to try during this season of plenty.  One truly may enjoy zucchini at every meal:

Dessert:  Zucchini Bread

Until next time, get creative with your veggies and think of new ways to cook and serve them.  A sense of fun and adventure can make ordinary tasks special, and what a great way to teach your kids or grandkids to learn about eating well and preparing fresh foods.

Be well, eat well,
