Join us at the Pavilion for our last concert this Saturday night at 7 p.m. with the Dirt Road Express, one of our very favorite country bands. Our thanks go to our Summer Concert series partners at the Chenango County Arts Council. The Summer Concert Series is a Decentralization Program. These programs are made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, which is administered by the Chenango County Council of the Arts, with support from Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. The series is also made possible with funds from private donors, Stewart’s Shops Holiday Match Program, and WGY’s Christmas Wish.
This past week we dropped our son off at college. While many parents are overwhelmed by the flight of their fledgling, I’ve been trying to keep it in perspective. We’ve raised our children to be independent and responsible; when it’s time to go to college, the military or enter the workforce, our young adults are where they’re supposed to be and are advancing to a new stage of life. It’s as it should be.
Plus, with today’s tech, if he wants to text or talk via video chat, it’s just a few swipes on the phone, and we’re connected. I’m here when he needs a sounding board or just wants to see what’s going on at home. This is a far different world from when I was an undergrad, saving change for weekly calls on the payphone at the end of the hall.
All that said, I do worry about his health. He is facing new choices and is self-managing his daily activities. I know how easy it is for college students to take on too much too soon: Going from a small high school to a major university presents a smorgasbord of options. Being overtired, not eating the right foods, coupled with new routines and expectations can be stressful.
So far, he’s focused on having consistent routines as he adjusts to college life. In his first week, he’s:
- Going to bed and getting up at set times, hours before his first class, so he’s ready and on-time.
- Eating a varied diet that includes salads and other vegetables. By not eating a lot of meat-rich dishes he’s also saving money.
- Watching how many sweets or carb-rich foods he eats.
- Drinking water instead of sodas or sweetened teas: His university has new filtered water fountains in his dorm that accommodate reusable water bottles (no extra plastic to recycle).
- Going to the gym for planned workouts several times a week.
- Joining the running club to socialize, and taking walks to explore the campus and de-stress.
- Connecting socially by trying new activities and meeting people with different interests. He went to a bonfire held by one of the faith-based organizations the other evening and enjoyed it.
We are all creatures of habit, so it’s smart to develop sound health habits as we enter new phases of our lives. Even if we aren’t making huge transitions, we can become more conscious of the decisions we make in our daily routines and adjust our habits to support our health better.
Until next time, eat well, be well,