Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Springing Ahead

My, another month has flown, and subtle signs of spring are starting. Days are getting longer, and at times, the sun’s rays remind us of the power and promise of Mother Nature. We at Pathfinder Produce are looking forward to another season of serving our market patrons, as well as to planting seeds in our hoop houses for this summer’s delicious Pathfinder grown produce.

As always, we invite you to come to our next weekly market, on Thursday, Feb. 28, from noon to 5 p.m. to shop and sample the freshest, tastiest produce around! Plus, we offer our online ordering service, which builds convenience into the entire Pathfinder Produce experience.

In this week’s blog, my colleague Martha Spiegel looks forward to “springing ahead” and has some suggestions for improving one’s sleep patterns.


Springing Ahead

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…for some.

Daylight savings time is fast approaching; it begins at 2 am on March 10. For me, this is one of the best days of the year. To instantly have another hour of daylight makes me feel happy and energized.  While I have to wake up in the dark for a few weeks, I don’t really mind, because I like to wake up gradually. Coming home in the evening with hours of daylight left, however, boosts my spirits and I get more accomplished before settling in for the night.

I know that some people struggle with the time change, and not just for one day, so I did some investigating. In reading an article in Science-Based Medicine, I learned that clocks were originally set based on sunrises and sunsets. Since people did not travel much or travelled very slowly, this was not an issue. With the advent of railways, a more standardized method became necessary, and the four existing time zones were established in 1883 in the US. Daylight Savings Time was first adopted in Germany and Austria during WWI but did not come to America until 1918. After a rocky and inconsistent start, it became standard practice in 1966. The Science-Based Medicine article gives a concise history of a rather confusing concept!

Most people adjust to the time change within a day, but what to do if you are not one of them? According to WebMD, circadian rhythms determine sleep patterns and are greatly influenced by light. Controlling exposure to light can help you to keep on track. Try not to place yourself under bright lights when it is dark outside, such as if you need to get up during the night; use nightlights instead of turning on overhead lights. Also, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day if possible, and practice good sleep habits such as limiting caffeine, screen time and alcohol consumption, and adopt a relaxing bedtime ritual.

Further suggestions from Consumer Reports include placing yourself in bright light as soon as possible in the morning, and going to bed early on Saturday night and not sleeping in on Sunday. Sleeping in can cause you to lose more sleep on Sunday night, which perpetuates the cycle and contributes to sleep deprivation when waking up for work on Monday morning. Also, take extra care on the road; even if you feel awake and alert, there’s a good chance that there are some sleepy drivers on the road.

For those of you who are not fond of the time change, I hope this is helpful. And remember, the start of Daylight Savings Time means spring is on the way!

Until next time, sleep well and think spring,

Martha (and Lori)

Friday, February 15, 2019

Fighting the Winter Cold

Hello everyone to another busy week!  Many of our local sports teams are completing their winter seasons, school students are on their mid-winter break, and there are so many community events happening.  But no matter how busy it gets, Pathfinder Produce will be here to help you provide nutritious and satisfying fruits and veggies to your family.  Come down and shop this Thursday afternoon, February 21, at the Village Commons, from noon to 5 pm.

Of course, there’s our convenient online ordering system.  Just cruise over to our website and select your delivery site, Morris or Edmeston.  Place and pay for your order using our secure server, and then just stop by for your pre-shopped items.  It’s oh so easy!


After weeks of staving it off, this year’s winter cold has hit me.  It’s time for getting some extra rest and taking extra self-care measures.  In the spirit of recovery, here are a few cold-strategies that may help others:

Elderberry Syrup:  Over the summer, a Facebook friend indicated she was putting up several quarts of elderberry syrup to use during cold and flu season.  After the advice of another friend, I was able to locate a bottle of this dark, sweet elixir at the local pharmacy.

I’m not sure if the syrup is helping, or if it’s a less virulent virus.  Or it could be a placebo effect …  but for this cold I haven’t been as tired or as symptomatic as with prior head colds.  Elderberries are extremely rich in antioxidants, and several recent studies suggest that the berries may reduce the length and severity of colds and flu.  Apparently, there’s rich lore about elderberries too as a folk medicine. 

However, it is pricey, so this summer I hope to learn to accurately identify elderberries in the wild (and if none are on our property, then I plan to buy some bushes).  It seems they syrup is easy to make and should keep if properly canned.  (There are other berries that mimic elderberries in the wild, so please use caution in ingesting any wild fruits).

Lotion Tissues:  These are an absolute God-send when you have a cold with an overactive nose.  The tissues aren’t rough and scratchy and provide a soothing application of lotion to your sore, red nose.  While I generally don’t buy these because of the extra cost, it always pays to have an extra box in reserve.

Chewable Vitamin CsVitamin C is a mild antihistamine so it can reduce the amount of discomfort you experience if you’re having a mild allergic reaction or cold symptoms. It’s also an antioxidant, which can help strengthen your body’s immune system.   Vitamin Cs come in a non-chewable tablet, which is okay for teens and adults, and chewables, which may appeal more to younger patients.  Be sure to follow dosage directions, and be aware that some tablets are sweetened with sorbitol; too much of either Vitamin C or sorbitol may result in hurried trips to the restroom.

Frequent Hand-Washing:  Last year’s very bad flu season led to the “gone viral video” of the Florida nurse who was ranting about “Wash your stinking hands.”  It remains one of the best strategies for everyone to stay healthy.  Viruses can live for a time on surfaces, and if your hand conveys the virus from the surface to your nose, you may potentially come down with an illness.

Recently, a news commentator on a major channel indicated he rarely washed his hands, saying he doesn’t believe that germs exist because “he can’t see them.” Pure drivel. If one washes one’s hands at key times – before prepping or eating food, after using the facilities, and after touching one’s face, nose or unclean items – it helps you from making others sick

Drinking enough, eating well:  If you’re sick with a cold you need to stay hydrated to help move your recovery ahead.  Likewise, though it’s very tempting to eat ice cream and other treats that may be soothing, it’s better to eat a lighter, healthy diet with fruits and veggies to provide the nutrients you need to help your immune system bounce back.
Until next time, stay well!


Monday, February 11, 2019

Be a Heart Hero

Hello and Happy Valentine’s Day! We hope everyone will come out to our next Pathfinder

Produce market at the Village Commons on Thursday, February 14, from noon to 5 p.m. Our fresh, delicious fruits and vegetables are perfect ingredients to heart-healthy meals. 

Of course, there’s our convenient online ordering system.  Just cruise over to our website and select your delivery site (Morris or Edmeston).  Place and pay for your order using our secure server, and then just stop on Thursdays for your pre-shopped items.  It’s oh so easy!

Below, my colleague Maura Iorio, our Sr. Director of Education, updates us on how Pathfinder School is celebrating February, American Heart Month.

Be a Heart Hero

This winter, Pathfinder School is participating in the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge. Students learn about their heart, how to stay healthy and active, and raise money for a great cause! The program focuses not only on children’s physical well-being, but their social and emotional health as well.

Our students have been focusing on eating smart, moving more, and being well. What does this mean?

Our students have been hard at work all month building their physical fitness skills, learning to make heart-healthy snacks, and getting the word out there about how to be a Heart Hero.

To learn more about how you can help, please visit our AHA-Pathfinder School page.

Happy Valentines and Healthy Hearts to all!

Maura (and Lori)

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Beyond the Burger

Welcome to February, National Heart Health Month!  We hope you’ll celebrate with us at

Pathfinder Produce.  Come on down to the regular Thursday market, from noon to 5 p.m. at the Pathfinder Village Commons to get the freshest and tastiest fruits and veggies around.

Our online ordering makes it easy to shop: Just go to our website, make your order and pay over our secure server.  Our friendly staff will pull together your custom order and have it ready to go for pick-up at our Edmeston or Morris pick-up sites.  This is a service that is becoming more and more popular around the country I’ve noticed, and is even being featured in commercials by much-larger stores.

Also, I wanted to give a big shout out to our colleagues just down the road at NYCM Insurance, Edmeston, who are doing their part to Go Red in support of the American Heart Association.  Well done!  You can learn about American Heart Month at this link.

Finally, Pathfinder Village has been nominated for the Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce’s Business Hall of Fame for 2019.  If you’d like to vote for Pathfinder, please go to the Chamber’s voting website by Friday to cast your vote.  Thank you!


After my son’s last indoor track meet at Ithaca College the other week, the hour had grown late and we were all hungry. We stopped at a fast food restaurant and much to my surprise, there were veggie burgers on the Bill of Fare.  More to my surprise, both my son and husband ordered them.

We try to avoid eating fast foods and highly processed foods, as we know that too much of these can adversely affect your health.  When we do need to “grab and go,” we try to order the healthiest things on the menu -- we’ll drink water or unsweetened iced tea, go for the salads (watching how much dressing it’s drenched in), and get the non-red meat options.

My son, who has worked to stay fit and has clocked in some impressive races this indoor track season, said that the veggie burger was good, although a little salty.  He said he’d try it again if these stay on the restaurant’s menu.  I’ll probably give it a try too.

In examining the differences between the veggie burger and a regular burger of similar size and garnishment at this restaurant chain, the veggie burger is better for those seeking to make healthier selections, although the sodium and sugar levels are high.  Most restaurant chains offer their foods’ nutritional information online and on their menu boards, which helps in making choices.

Calories (Kcal)
Fat (g)
Saturated Fats (g)
Fat (g)
Cholesterol (mg)
Carbs (g)
Fiber (g)
Sugar (g)
Protein (g)
Less than 5

The move to eat less red meat and processed foods is in-line with recent recommendations by health researchers.  One somewhat controversial study, the new EAT-Lancet Commission report, recommends eating less than one ounce of red meat per day (or about a large hamburger per week), both to improve one’s personal health and the planet’s health.  Beef ranching has a huge impact on our collective carbon footprint, requiring 20 times more land and emitting 20 times the greenhouse gasses per gram of protein produced when compared to growing beans, according to  the World Resources Institute.  (Beans are often a main ingredient used in creating veggie burgers, hence the comparison).

In an interview on NPR’s “The Salt” blog, the lead researcher for the EAT-Lancet study, Dr. Walter Willet of the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health said, "(Vastly reducing meat consumption) may seem a little extreme to many Americans, but this is actually in line with the traditional Mediterranean diet …”  The EAT-Lancet study also points out that if people eat less meat, they should eat more nuts, fruits, veggies and legumes to replace the meat, instead of highly processed grains.

"It's all about the replacement," Willet said. "If we replace red meat with a lot of white starch, [such as] white rice, white bread, potatoes and sugar – then that's not going to be a win."

Other health experts recommend cutting back on red meat to thwart heart disease, diabetes and cancers: The American Heart Association recommends eating no more than 6 ounces of cooked lean meat, skinless chicken and seafood per day, for a total of 4-5 servings per week (a serving is roughly the size of a deck of cards).  The American Institute for Cancer recommends limiting consumption of red meat to 18 ounces per week (3-6 ounce servings).  Both organizations encourage people to eat processed meats very sparingly, due to their high fat, salt and preservation methods.

In closing, I’ll offer a link from AHA and the BBC on how to lead a healthier lifestyle with less meat consumption, as well as a recipe to try for your own homemade black bean burgers, which I’ll try as well (Note: These contain eggs, and thus cannot be viewed as vegan). 

Until next time, eat well and be well,
