This week, everyone at Pathfinder Village is getting excited about our upcoming Splash Path 5K Run and Fun Walk, which is set for Saturday, June 13. Our Steering Committee and Vocational Program members have been reaching out to regional residents, employees and businesses to raise awareness of this fun event. Proceeds from Splash Path help support the operating costs of our weekly Pathfinder Produce market and also support our vocational agriculture program at the Button Greenhouse and the 5210 Hoop House.
Early online registration is now open(!), and the event is priced so that families may participate: Kids under 9 – Free; Youths (10-18) - $10; Adults (18+) - $20; and we offer a special Family rate for 3 or more family members of $45. Early registration goes through May 29. (After that date, the rates go up by $5; the maximum amount for families is $50).
Splash Path offers an opportunity for people who enjoy running to take part in a paint run – the event features non-toxic colors, and if you register early, you get a neat tee shirt and safety glasses. But it’s not only for people who are extremely fit – Splash Path welcomes people of all ages and fitness levels, and is a colorful way to celebrate physical activity and a sense of community, all against the beautiful backdrop of Pathfinder Village, here in Edmeston.
The June 13 event starts with registration at the Pathfinder School Gym, at 9 a.m.; the run and walk will start with a color burst promptly at 10 a.m. This year, to extend the Splash Path fun, we are offering an after run-walk event from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., featuring music by Andrea’s Karaoke/D.J. Dance Bash, and a chicken barbeque by KNK. There will be vendor exhibits and an extensive silent auction/ticket auction with items from regional businesses and organizations. If you’re interested in a vendor booth, please visit the Pathfinder Village website for more information. If you are interested in donating a quality auction item, please email SplashPath@pathfindervillage.org .
Event sponsors to date include: Gates-Cole Associates, New Hartford; Gordon B. Roberts Agency, Oneonta; Manning & Napier Benefits, LLC, Fairport; NYCM Insurance, Edmeston; Preferred Mutual, New Berlin; Ryno Graphics, Edmeston; and Ted’s Body Shop; New Berlin.
Until next time, get moving and be well!