Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Weathering the Storms

Hello, everyone.  We hope you are enjoying this wonderful weather and that everyone will join us for the freshest flavors at our weekly Pathfinder Produce market at the Village Commons this Thursday, from 1 to 5 p.m.  Our fresh fruit and veggie offerings include lots of New York state grown items … YUM!

Below, my colleague Martha Spiegel provides an update on what to expect for produce availability in the weeks ahead. 


As the growing season in the north comes to a close, we depend more on our neighbors to the south for our fresh produce. As we have seen in the news over the past weeks, the hurricane season has hit that region harshly, especially Florida and southern Georgia, and this will have an effect on the prices and selection at Pathfinder Produce. Our market partners have sent us updates on what to expect going forward.

Some of the effects of the storms on crop production remain to be seen. Many mature crops in Georgia have survived, but the yield could be less than normal. The next month or so will be unpredictable. In the longer term, there are likely to be shortages, and thus higher prices, on crops that are typically started in plant houses and then transplanted in the fields, since many of these growing structures were damaged or destroyed.

At Pathfinder Produce, we do our best to bring you the best selection at the best prices. We ask your patience over the next several months as some items may see price increases, and some items may not be available in the usual quantities. Please consult our price lists every week for the most current information in order to plan your purchase.

The good news is that our Hoop Houses are still producing wonderful veggies that come to you fresh-picked! These items include eggplant, garlic, green beans, lettuce, sweet peppers, Swiss chard, and several varieties of tomatoes and herbs. Be sure to check these out—they are displayed with a “PV Grown” sign in the market. We are so grateful to the John Ben Snow Memorial Trust, the American Heart Association-Greater Utica Division, and the Otis Thompson Foundation, as their generous grants enabled Pathfinder Village to open two new hoop houses in the last year and increase our home-grown selection at Pathfinder Produce.

Until next time, eat well and be well,

Martha (and Lori)

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

How Do You Like Those Apples?

Hello and I hope your busy fall season is going well!  Lately I feel like I’ve
 been living on the road, with numerous trips to soccer practices, tournaments and other goings-on.  That’s why I love Pathfinder Produce … it’s convenient, well-stocked, and the prices are great.  Plus, right now the Pathfinder Hoop House grown produce is at its peak, offering even better values and tremendous tastes.

We hope you’ll come down this week to see what’s “in store” at our friendly Pathfinder Produce market.  We’re open each week at the Village Commons, Edmeston on Thursdays from 1 to 5 p.m.  Check it out!

As I was driving along Route 8 last week, I noticed that there are lots of wild apple trees heavily laden with fruit.  I also saw one of my neighbors gathering the drops, which got me to thinking about apples.  Once you get thinking about apples you have to buy some, and so I did -- New York grown Cortlands.  Some nights after getting home late, and we’re just raiding the fridge for dinner, it’s nice to enjoy a crisp, sweet apple with our quick meals.

I’ve noticed there are several wild apple trees that are also bearing fruit just down the road and across the way from our house (not far from the eagle’s nesting spot).  I think because we had a fairly wet spring in our region without any late freezes, our apple crops are doing well. According to our friends at the New York Apple Association, they expect a 2017 harvest of 28.0 million cartons – or 1.1 billion pounds – of commercially grown apples over the coming weeks.

“New York state grows more apples than any other state east of the Mississippi River, our state is made for growing apples,” said NYAA President Cynthia Haskins. “There is no reason for New Yorkers and other East Coast buyers to look any further than their own back yard for great tasting apples and apple cider.”  She goes on to say that with our climate, New York has helped develop classic varieties, like the McIntosh, Empire and Cortland.  Apparently they’re still creating new types at Cornell University, including the recently introduced Ruby Frost and Snap Dragon.

New York’s output is slightly up from 2016, while other states have been affected by climate according to the USDA production will be down by 27% for the Northern Central States, which had a cold snap in May. Predictions from Washington vary, but are pegged as being down slightly according to growing industry sources. It’s hard to say how the ongoing wild fires out west will affect next year’s crop.

Most commercial apples are hybrids, created through careful grafting and tree-care.  If you have time and want to use wild apples, there are plenty of web sources on how to select, wash, sort, and go through wild fruit.  Home to many historic orchards, the Hudson Valley, is even experiencing a new awareness of how wild apples may be used to create ciders that are similar to historic varieties. Many of our forbearers used the wild fruits to make cider and apple butter (mmmmmmm, apple butter), which would keep through the winter months and add variety in their diets. Henry David Thoreau was a fan of wild apples and wrote an essay on them in November 1862.

Although I know I don’t have time to collect or use the wild apples near me, I ventured to see if they are palatable.  Carefully peeling back the skin, and cutting the apple in half to make sure it hadn’t been invaded by worms (yuck), I took a taste.  The small green apple was very similar to a Granny Smith … tart, firm, and they would probably work great for applesauce, cider, or other recipes.

Until next time, eat well, be well, and enjoy the fall!


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Play with your Food!

September is in full swing, with lots of activities happening at Pathfinder Village, our local schools, and within our home communities.  With all the hustle and bustle at this time of the year, it’s important to eat fresh, nutritious fruits and veggies to keep you and your family members healthy.  That’s where Pathfinder Produce can be of help!

We hope you will stop by this Thursday afternoon at the Pathfinder Village Commons, from 1 to 5 p.m. to check out the great variety of produce at our weekly market.  Competitively priced, tasty, and served up by a great staff … what’s not to love about our community market!

Below, Pathfinder School’s Director of Education Maura Iorio explores the educational aspects of food for youngsters.  Enjoy!


Who says you can't play with your food?

Fruits and vegetables are essential to a healthy diet, but they can help young developing minds in other ways, too! Below, we have put together a list of fruit and veggie packed activities that can help children build fine and gross motor skills. Plus, when children are able to interact with fruits and veggies, and be a part of the preparation process, they are more likely to turn to and try these nutrient-dense foods. It's a win-win! 

·      Corn Shucking! 

Sneaking in one last BBQ before fall settles in? Have the kiddos help out by shucking ears of corn! This simple activity builds hand strength and helps to develop fine motor skills.  (Plus, it’s a great way for older kids to discuss seed growth).

·      Sensory Bins!

Sensory bins are one of our absolute essential items in the classroom. They are great ways to help children interact with different textures, utilize hand-eye coordination, build fine motor skills, and learn self-calming techniques. Take a bin, or any similar container, and fill it with dried peas or beans. Hide various items in it for children to find, or give them spoons and measuring cups to explore with. 

This link for a Peas and Carrots Alphabet Bin from The Letters of Literacy is a great way to combine vegetables, sensory play, and academics! 

·      Get Your Science On! 

Grab a variety of fresh fruits and veggies and set up your very own science lab at home! Let your child explore how each fruit and vegetable feels, smells, looks (inside and out!), and tastes.  For older kids, do some research on different types of botanical facts, like how scientists differentiate between fruits and vegetables.

·      Apple Picking

Going apple picking is one of our favorite things to do in the fall. But did you know it's also a great vestibular and proprioceptive activity, too? In other words, kids get a wealth of sensory input, utilize lots of motor planning, and get to practice important skills like balance. Plus, there's all the delicious baked goods you can make with apples!

We hope you have fun testing out some of these activities! Good luck to all the kiddos who are settling into school routines this week.  J

Maura (and Lori)